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Audio Songs

Episode Name Episode Description
"Full Armor of God
Full Armor of God by Leanet. Ephesians: 6:14-18
"A Royal Priesthood
A Royal Priesthood by Leanet. 1 Peter 2:9
"Springs into Valleys
Springs into Valleys by Leanet. Based on Psalm 104
"Awake Zion”
"Awake Zion” Isaiah 53:1a
"There is a River”
"There is a River Psalm 46:4-5a song by Leanet
"Praise Be Ephesians 1:1-2”
"Praise Be Ephesians 1:1-2”song by Leanet
"The Angel Showed John a River"
"The Angel Showed John a River”song by Leanet
"Praise Be Ephesians 1:1-2"
"Praise Be Ephesians 1:1-2”song by Leanet
"Glory and Honor and Praise"
"Glory and Honor and Praise”song by Leanet
"While we were Yet Sinners"
"While we were yet Sinners”song by Leanet
"In the In Between"
"In the In Between”song by Leanet
"Stand Still & See"
From Psalm 107:23-30 Backing Track from Key of Moon “White Petals”song by Leanet
"Isaiah 26:12 song"
Isaiah 26:12 song by Leanet
"In the Last Days"
Joel 2:28 fulfilled in Acts 2:17
"New Creation"
Based on 2nd Corinthians 5 verses 17,18, and 21
"Forever and Always"
Forever and Always from Psalm 145:1-5
"His Sovereignty Rules"
Based on Psalm 103 verse 19
"The Lord is on My Side"
Based on Psalm 118 verses 5-8
"Jesus’ Prayer in John 17:20-26"
Based on John 17 verses 20-26
Based on Zephaniah 3 verse 12. The background rhythm is a dryer
"Aaronic Blessing"
Aaronic Blessing sung by Leanet
"Job's Confession"
Job’s Confession by Leanet
"Holy One"
Holy One by Leanet
"Joy Hymn"
Joy Hymn by Leanet
"My Morning Prayer"
My Morning Prayer by Leanet
"Anglican Meal Blessing"
Anglican Meal Blessing put to music
"In the Name of Jesus Christ"
In the name of Jesus Christ by Leanet
"Stay Away!"
Inspired by Micah 2:1
"Shelter From the Storm"
Shelter From the Storm by Leanet
"My Home is Jesus"
My Home is Jesus by Leanet
"David's Prayer for Jerusalem"
David's Prayer for Jerusalem from Psalm 122:7
"Animals in Job"
from Job 38:39 to Job 39:30
"Angel Song"
From Revelation 7:12
"The Eyes of the Lord"
This song is by Leanet. It is based on 2 Chronicles 16:9
"Celtic Sounding Lullaby"
Celtic Sounding Lullaby by Leanet
"Worthy Are You Lord"
Worthy Are You Lord by Leanet
"Live in the Realm of the Spirit"
From Galatians 5:16-18
"I Glorify Your Name"
I Glorify Your Name by Leanet
"I Just Want to Praise You"
I Just Want to Praise You by Leanet
"The Real Heaven"
The Real Heaven by Leanet
"Night Watch"
Night Watch by Leanet
"New Covenant
New Covenant by Leanet
"Thank You for the Holy Spirit, Jesus
Thank You for the Holy Spirit, Jesus by Leanet
"Smoke and Fire
Smoke and Fire by Leanet. Based on Exodus 13:21-22
"Jesus Reads from Isaiah
Jesus Reads from Isaiah. Based on Isaiah 61
"His Eyes
His Eyes by Leanet
"No One in This World
No One in This World by Leanet